Letter 1: A Leap of Faith

Dear Reader,

I currently feel like Pen from Bridgeton! Taking leaps of faith toward my creative pursuits is often so scary and overwhelming that I cannot sleep entirely. As of yesterday, I have finally made a website to express myself more intentionally. Until now, I have been expressing myself through the format of Instagram. Unfortunately, showcasing thoughts as lengthy as these is not the right platform.

For a long time now, I have been bogged down by the feeling of being unable to express myself and my thoughts entirely. In-person, it is a breeze to be heard, but as the busy bee I am, these times are rare. Being on social online platforms has only caused me fear of being seen.

In my desperation, I am left with ideas and themes that run in my head non-stop. I am taking a leap to share my voice and to quiet my mind in this creative format through my website.

A fun fact about me is that I love writing letters, and I've written a lot. I feel so human doing so. I will continue my hobby digitally as I have run out of people to write to(laughs). Not many are fond of receiving letters nowadays. So, I am now giving you, the audience, the option to receive them by your choice.

I will share my ideas in a way that is non-invasive to my privacy while still being genuine. Part of my audience is my future self, so I look forward to seeing genuine expression and evolution.

I already have at least ten letters in the process to share, so stay tuned for more!




I Should Have Said hi!